(303) 876-7654 Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm CST
(303) 876-7654 sales@renewableoutdoors.com Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm CST
The Aeroplus 6000 is the latest in multi-stage vertical composting – a new twist on the Earthmaker. It is designed to take up less space. Constructed of 5mm thick plastic, the Aeroplus is much more durable than other 3-stage units.
Walls include a unique “active” aeration system, which provides controlled airflow for optimal microbial action. The top chamber is relatively airtight designed to keep flies out. This unit is larger, more durable, lasts longer and is easier to operate.
Stage 1: Collects fresh organic matter in the large top bin.
Stage 2: Push waste through to 2nd level to undergo main breakdown process then turn the side handle to drop compost to the maturing chamber.
Stage 3: Let the compost mature – when full empty as needed.
Features & Benefits of Aeroplus 6000
Winner of Red Dot Design Award – Best of the Best 2013
Ideal for organic household waste and kitchen scraps, not for grass cuttings in large quantity
Large filling flap with a seal, convenient filling, prevents annoying flying insects
Hygienic turning over twice directly in Aeroplus
Easy to adjust bilateral ventilation – summer/winter
Quick and intensive heating up when composting due to optimum oxygen transfer
Fresh compost separate from the ground; prevents rodents from entering
The turning base operated from the outside via the crank handle
It is no longer necessary to tediously separate the composted material and fresh compost due to the chamber system
All elements are ergonomically designed and snap into place
High quality, weatherproof and durable recycled plastic in leaf green
Dimensions: 31in wide x 31in long x 43in high
Warranty: 2 years