(303) 876-7654 Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm CST
(303) 876-7654 sales@renewableoutdoors.com Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm CST
The Trillium 3-Person Camping Hammock is one of the largest hammocks on the market. The Trillium is large and strong enough for 3 adults to sleep in comfort, or for 6 kids to play so it's ideal for sharing with your family or a group of friends.
It's large hammock is long-lasting and robust; reinforced by 20 metres of webbing and secured by heavy-duty ratchets and straps.
Perfect for setting up on the campsite or at your basecamp as a hangout spot for the whole camping trip, but easy to use and convenient enough to be pitched on a whim for a family picnic in the woods or a sunny day for some backyard camping.
This unique camping hammock can be set up underneath any Tentsile Tree Tent to form the foundation of a multi-story camping stack.
Recommend that your unit is packed away after each use to protect it and prolong its lifespan.